About Us


About Us

Welcome to Solar Gardens

A Community Solar Provider Powered by Syncarpha Capital

Clifford Chapman - CEO and co-founder of Syncarpha Capital

Clifford Chapman

Co-Founder & CEO

Syncarpha Capital

Solar Gardens is an industry-leading Community Solar provider powered by Syncarpha Capital. We firmly believe that clean, affordable, renewable energy should be accessible to everyone, regardless of one’s economic circumstances or housing situation. Community Solar makes our mission possible by allowing Syncarpha to extend solar access and savings to the communities we develop in.

Syncarpha is a developer, owner, and operator of solar distributed generation systems established in 2009 with a mission to remove the roadblocks to the widespread adoption of solar energy.

Fostering Sustainability Goes Beyond Solar Panels

At Solar Gardens, our commitment to fostering sustainable communities goes beyond solar panels. We believe in nurturing growth, both in renewable energy and the environment. That’s why you’ll often find our team getting our hands dirty—partnering with local nurseries to cultivate a greener tomorrow.

2024 Community Solar Recap

Our Annual Impact

0 MM+

annual kWh produced

0 MM+

pounds of CO2 emissions avoided

$ 0 MM+

annual customer savings

0 +

total subscribers

Utilities We're Connected To

We provide Community Solar access to residents who receive electricity through the following utility providers

As Seen On

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